Plett Villas is passionate about getting involved with our local community to preserve this beautiful bay
and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
We encourage both our homeowners and guests to be part of maintaining a sustainable balance in Plettenberg Bay. We currently support the following programs:
Muddy Pooches
Muddy Pooches aims to help support the animals in the Bossiesgif settlement in Plettenberg Bay. Assisting with sterilizations, health care, and food. The animals that live in the settlement are in dire need of food and care. It is heartwarming to see pet owners bringing their pets for much-needed food and care on a Saturday when Muddy Pooches and many from the community come to assist. Tanya has given so much of herself to this worthy cause and it is wonderful that the community supports her great initiative. Recently Tanya became aware that there are children in this settlement who are extremely hungry. She realized that children were stealing the dog food to mix with milk so that they could eat it themselves! Once again Muddy Pooches stepped up and have arranged, along with many supporters, to feed these children and some elderly with soup and bread on a Saturday. This story of hungry children really pulled at our heartstrings and after chatting to Tanya it seemed there was a need for fruit for the children which will give them the much-needed vitamin C to get though the winter. We have put a donation together for fruit and arranged with Kwik Spa to get the fruit to Muddy Pooches every Saturday. We really love what Muddy Pooches do and are so happy to be able to support in some way. Please contact us should you wish to contribute to this worthy cause and we will put you in touch with Tanya or visit their Facebook page: Muddy Pooches
ORCA Marine Foundation (Ocean Research Conservation Africa)
Located in Plettenberg Bay on the world-famous "Garden Route" of South Africa. It is home to some of the world's most fascinating marine species, including southern right whales, humpback whales, brydes whales, bottlenose dolphins, humpback dolphins, common dolphins, orca whales, and great white sharks. The project is focused on creating a practical conservation model for the sustainable utilization of marine, coastal and estuarine habitats and returning these habitats to a pristine condition by combining education, conservation, community development, science, tourism, and a viable business model.
Siyakula Pre School
This school started only ten years ago with a few children in the Qolweni informal settlement. The school provides a safe environment for children while their parents work and create a platform of education and interaction to prepare them for their futures. The school has grown dramatically and needs constant assistance with food, salaries for teachers, books, equipment, classrooms, grounds, and buildings. I have been involved in this project many years and always get joy when I visit and the children sing one of their beautiful songs for me!
Paint A Future
Plett Villas was fortunate enough to be meet the artists and involve ourselves in the Paint A Future project which came to Plettenberg Bay by invitation of the Mazizame Children’s Shelter. These children painted their future dream which was then allocated to an international artist to incorporate in their piece of art. The proceeds of the art is used to make these children’s dreams come true. We were so touched by the children, their dreams and the artist’s dedication. We purchased these diaries as gifts as part of our contribution to this worthy cause. Some of the wonderful Plettenberg Bay children’s artwork featured in this diary.
Child Welfare Christmas Party
A wonderful Christmas Party was put together for child welfare in Plettenberg Bay. Children from all under-privileged communities joined us for the day. We decorated, gave gifts and a fantastic Christmas lunch and treats. The children were most grateful and the most important part of this was that my own daughters assisted in choosing and wrapping the presents as well as being at the function to assist.
Adopt a Swimmer
With my love of swimming, this was close to my heart. We ratified our Adopt a Swimmer program with the registration of an NGO to focus solely on teaching disadvantaged children to swim. Our mandate is that no child should drown, and all children should be given the opportunity to develop this essential life skill. After a long 8 month wait for registration, on the 20th March 2013 Adopt a Swimmer was officially registered as a non-profit organization on the database at the highest level. And, eight days later we launched officially with a brilliantly supported Swimathon, which showed how committed the community is to developing swimming skills for children in our greater community. As our first fundraiser, it was a highly successful initiative, with young and old swimming their most laps possible in an hour, earning their donor funds collected.
Hospice – Plett Aid Foundation
“This will serve to confirm receipt of your donation to The Plettaid Foundation. On behalf of all our communities and staff, thank you for your contribution which will directly affect those most in need of Hospice services. It is generous support such as yours, which keeps this civil society organization going – thank you”
The Green Hearts
The Green Hearts battle on behalf of child abuse. They are so dedicated to this cause. “ We would like to take this opportunity of thanking you, with all our, s, for the most extremely generous donation which paid for 13 sessions with our play therapist for children who have been abused, yet there was not enough evidence to secure a successful prosecution in court.
The Bitou 10 Foundation
Education is vital in this country and the Bitou 10 Foundation in our area does a wonderful job which is why we chose them as our charity this year. This is some of the good work they are doing: More than 1300 children with emotional, social or learning challenges have been treated by local therapists, more than 600 isiXhosa speaking children in Grade 3 have benefited from the remedial reading and English program, over 1000 children have been enriched and empowered through the performing and visual arts program, 600 children have performed on stage for their community at our showcases, 24 students have attended the annual Science Festival in Grahamstown, 300 parents and pre-school teachers in under-resourced communities received training and a workbook to help their pre-school children prepare for Grade 1, About 200 teachers from 8 primary schools and 25 pre-schools have benefited from the extensive professional development courses and workshops offered by professionals, 150 educators participated in computer literacy training - MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint’ 400 computers, laptops, printers and scanners distributed and installed at the 10 Bitou schools’ Bitou schools have received teaching and learning material valued at over R100 000’ School leaders and managers have been empowered by experts such as Professor Jansen. “Thank you for choosing the Bitou 10 Foundation this year. You will be mentioned on our website as a Friend of the Bitou 10 Foundation and your name will be added onto our contact list to receive future correspondence. Please contact our office should you have interested friends, family or acquaintances who would like to be added onto our contact list too. “
Plettenberg Bay Crime Prevention Association
We supported this initiative this year as each and every one of our guests is given their number on arrival for any emergencies and they do a great job protecting our community. PBCPA (Plettenberg Bay Crime Prevention Association) was founded in 2011 when criminal activity increased in our picturesque Bay. The vast increase in crime incidents had a significant impact on all of us. PBCPA member’s dedication, hard work, crime prevention operations and response to incidents paid off. Plettenberg Bay’s crime statistics are now the lowest in the Western Cape. Vision: To work as a joint fortified Security; Emergency; Support Force with all security stakeholders and members in good standing in Plettenberg Bay. Mission: To protect and serve our community through crime prevention patrols; respond & assist SAPS when incidents occur. Neighbourhood Watch is one of the most effective ways for neighbourhoods to reduce crime in their surrounding areas. It also aids in protecting property, reducing car break-ins and house burglary. NW Groups working with SAPS, Security Companies and MLE’s resulted in the PBCPA formidable response team, working against criminals and their illegal activities. The few donations received were used to equip NW Groups. Not one single cent was used to financially benefit any PBCPA member of good standing. Section 21 NPC (No Profit Company} financial records are being audited and can be viewed on request. There are a bunch of good people doing the extraordinary every day. Tourism is Plett's biggest income generator, if Plett is perceived as a safe town, it will literally be to our benefit in financial terms.
Linda Packwood – Plett Villas
Should you require any further information on any of these great causes please do not hesitate to contact us on